About me

Szymon Kołodziejczykattorney-at-law at the Poznań  Bar Association. A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration and the Faculty of History at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland.  He developed his legal interests at the Postgraduate Studies in Commercial Companies at the University of Warsaw and at the Postgraduate Studies in Criminal Business Law at the Jagiellonian University. Head of the KIEL LEGAL Law Firm in Poznań.

Szymon specialises in criminal law, particularly in criminal business cases. He represents management board members and other top-level executives at every stage of criminal proceedings, from participation in searches and preliminary hearings, through court proceedings to representation before the Supreme Court.  He also has very extensive litigation experience representing both entrepreneurs and individuals before courts of all instances. He successfully handles Swiss franc credit cases, representing clients in more than several dozen cases. Szymon has gained a wealth of experience implementing the GDPR with our clients from the food, education, gas, construction, outdoor advertising, accounting, transport industries, as well as in local self-government units. He acts as Data Protection Officer for a food company and a local self-government authority.