
Swiss franc credits | Kiel Legal

The law firm acts for clients in Swiss franc credit cases involving the cancellation of credit agreements or the conversion of Swiss franc credits into Polish zloty credits. Our lawyers analyse the agreement in terms of whether it can be declared invalid in court proceedings or whether individual provisions of the credit agreement are abusive. Our experts provide clients with benefits of cancelling or converting Swiss franc credits into Polish zloty ones and represent clients in court proceedings against banks. Our layers also represent clients in negotiations with banks, the aim of which is to convert the Swiss franc credit into Polish zloty. The law firm is also experienced in representing clients in capital recovery and non-contractual remuneration cases against banks. 

Our expertise:

  • winning more than a dozen cases ending in the cancellation of bank credit agreements,
  • representing a client in a Swiss franc credit case brought by a bank with a litigation value of over PLN 3 million,
  • winning a lawsuit against the bank after the bank terminated the credit agreement – the court closed the case after two hearings.